what happened to stormtroopers after sidious death

What Happened to Stormtroopers After Sidious’ Death? #shorts

What Happened To Stormtroopers After Sidious' Death?

What Happened to Stormtroopers After Sidious’ Death? #shorts #starwars #clonewars #stormtrooper

What Happened To The Empire After Emperor Palpatine Died? Star Wars Imperial Remnants Explained

How the Empire Reacted to the Death Star's Destruction [Canon] - Star Wars Explained

Why were the Stormtroopers so bad at hitting their targets? Star Wars #Shorts

How Mas Amedda Ruled the Empire after Palpatine's Death [Canon] - Star Wars Explained

Palpatine's Journey

The Battle that Made Palpatine Replace the Clones with Stormtroopers - Star Wars #shorts

The Strongest Armies in Star Wars.✨ #shorts

The Saddest and Most Heartfelt Story of a Stormtrooper [Canon] - Star Wars Explained

Clone Troopers Forced Retirement - The Bad Batch Season 2 Episode 12

How the Galaxy Reacted to Alderaan's Destruction

How Palpatine Reacted to the Death Star's Destruction

Why were there so few Imperial Ships at Endor? - Star Wars Lore #Shorts

What Palpatine Did in His Free Time [Legends]

How Emperor Palpatine came back to Life in Star Wars Legends

What Happened to the Separatists AFTER Order 66 and The Clone Wars?

What Happened to Sidious' Lightsaber After Revenge of The Sith? #shorts

How Palpatine Reacted to Vader Refusing a Direct Order [Canon] - Star Wars Explained

ALL Clones That Disobeyed Order 66! #shorts #starwars

The Entire Bad Batch Dies

Who Is This Stormtrooper Inside the Sarlacc that Saved Boba! - Boba Fett Explained

Palpatine’s Lightsaber AFTER Revenge of the Sith and How Many He Had (Canon) - Star Wars Explained